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时间:2023-07-04 16:00:06    编辑:汤姆猫的情书



  • tom猫的情书背景英文歌叫什么名
  • 汤姆的情书 里面的歌曲叫什么名字
  • 谁知道Iphone4里汤姆猫的情书里面的背景歌名?
  • 汤姆猫的情书的游戏特色
  • 汤姆的情书中文版谷歌市场安装教程
  • tom猫的情书背景英文歌叫什么名


    om猫的情书背景英文歌《your love》,《feeling happy》,《make me fell so good》


    外文名称:Your Love


    歌曲原唱:Nicki Minaj




    Shawty ima only tell you once you the illest

    (Ba Ba Ba Da Oh )

    And For your loving ima die hard like bruce willis

    (Ba Ba Ba Da Oh)

    Y-Y-You Got Spark , Y-Y-You Got Spunk

    Y-Y-You Got Something all the girls want

    Your like a candy store , And im a toddler

    You got me wanting more and mo-mo-more

    Of your love your love, yeah (x4)

    He the type to pop tags and be cocking the brim

    Might breeze through the ave or might stop at the gym

    And he keep a du'rag keep his wave on swim

    W-W-Wave on swim so they hate on him

    Anyway i think i met him sometime before

    In a different life or where i record

    I mean he was Adam i think i was Eve

    But my Vision ends with the apple on the tree

    'S' on my chest cause im ready to save him

    Ready to get buck on anybody that plays him

    And i think i love him, love him just like i raised him

    When he call me mama , Lil Mama, i call him baby

    Shawty ima only tell you once you the illest

    (Ba Ba Ba Da Oh )

    And For your loving ima die hard like bruce willis

    (Ba Ba Ba Da Oh)

    Y-Y-You Got Spark , Y-Y-You Got Spunk

    Y-Y-You Got Something all the girls want

    Your like a candy store , And im a toddler

    You got me wanting more and mo-mo-more

    Of your love your love, yeah (x4)

    He the type to keep a couple hundred grand in a rubber band

    Just left money gram in the lemon lam

    Hot damn make me scream like summer jam

    I mean the nigga must be from the mother land

    Anyway i think i met him in the sky

    When i was a geisha he was a samourai

    Some how i understood him when he spoke Thai

    Never spoke lies and never broke fly

    'S' on my chest let me get my cape on

    He's so thug out go space and rape on?

    Convict Just like Akon

    Cause you know the snitches be putting the jake on

    Shawty ima only tell you once you the illest

    (Ba Ba Ba Da Oh )

    And For your loving ima die hard like bruce willis

    (Ba Ba Ba Da Oh)

    Y-Y-You Got Spark , Y-Y-You Got Spunk

    Y-Y-You Got Something all the girls want

    Your like a candy store , And im a toddler

    You got me wanting more and mo-mo-more

    Of your love your love, yeah (x4)

    Find me in the dark

    I'll be in the stars

    Find me in your heart

    I'm in need of your love

    Your love, Your love, Your Love

    Baby your the illest

    Your love

    歌名:make me fell so good

    所属专辑:Booming Back at You

    歌手: junkie xl


    发行公司:Nettwerk Records

    feeling happy


    汤姆的情书 里面的歌曲叫什么名字

    汤姆的情书 里面的歌曲叫什么名字

    用91助手,文件管理,应用程序《用户》 然后里面头汤姆猫的名称tom一个心letters 打开内个 然后再打开toms love letters。app 然后打开从上往下数第六个 前三首全是! Make-Me-Feel-So-Good Feeling-Happy Your-Love 不少吻件都能这么找



    Make me feel so good Your love Feel happy



    汤姆亲吻和拥抱安吉拉的浪漫动画;9 张设计精美的浪漫明信片,可以送给您爱的人;3 首好听的歌曲,可以切换;其乐无穷,其爱浓浓。



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