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时间管理 立即下载

这 v1.0

  • 软件类型:
  • 更新时间:2022-03-08 20:00:18
  • 运营状态:
  • 软件大小:22.53MB
  • 软件小编:野猪王
  • 官方网站: http://www.wj987.com
  • 软件标签:




ONTRACK! helps you to keep track of how you spend your time. It's a beautiful application, completely designed to fit the Windows Phone 7 style. There is no need to connect to an online service or to follow a certain workflow. Just add your tasks, organize them into projects and start timing!

- Tasks

A task is a concrete thing you are working on. Just tap a task to start or stop its timer. You can shutdown the application, the timer will continue. We keep record of each timed session so you can later see when exactly you have worked on a certain task. Forgot to start a timer or not interested in real-time tracking? Just log your time manually afterwards.

- Projects

Projects group a set of related tasks. You can create projects within projects to organize your tasks as you like.

- History/Overview

ONTRACK! remembers all tasks you have ever worked on. Immediately get an overview of the stuff you have worked on today or during another day/week/month/year. You can also get an overview for a certain project or sub project.

- Export

All timing data can be exported to Excel (via CSV) and are sent to you by email. You can use this data to make your own summaries to bill clients.

New in version 1.4

- Reordering of tasks/projects

- Landscape orientation support for task and project detail pages

- Reset-all/reset-sessions in settings page

- Fixed 'multiple timers' bug

- Other minor bug fixes


  • 时间管理
  • 时间管理
  • 时间管理
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